What We Treat

Our principal focus is to use the body's own healing properties through Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) to deliver functionality to degenerative joints and regenerate the body. Nucell Regenerative Health offers alternative & comprehensive therapies to revitalize sexual health, rejuvenate a youthful appearance with our aesthetic applications, bolster immune function, pain management and vitamin deficiencies with NRH’s IV infusion therapy.


The primary purpose of your hips is to bear your body’s weight while standing and in motion. The hip joint is a flexible, sturdy, joint that provides patients the ability to move in many ways that affect our daily functions. Damage to the hip joint can come from wear and tear, sports related injuries, degenerative disease and arthritis. 


Common complaints about hip function.

If you answer yes to one or more of the questions below, you can benefit from our regenerative therapies.

  • Do you have pain when walking, sitting, standing for long periods or even short periods of time

  • Are you no longer able to work out as vigorously or as often

  • Does the pain interfere with sleeping? 

  • Do you have problems getting in and out of your car?

  • Has tying your shoes or cutting your toenails become a problem?

  • Has the pain affected your sex life?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions and are experiencing any of those issues or others that derive from hip restrictions, we would suggest the non-invasive, non-surgical PRP therapies to revitalize the joint. These therapies will help aid in the treatment of healing the joint by creating an inflammatory response locally which signals the immune system to send healing to the inflamed area allowing it to regenerate and heal. We then suggest IV vitamin infusion therapy to your health plan to help balance your vitamin and micronutrient levels. We also offer Neurostimulation Therapy for Chronic Pain. If you are struggling with PTSD, anxiety or one of the qualifying medical conditions in the state of PA, we can also provide medical marijuana reviews to patients this will allow them access to medical marijuana at any dispensary in PA by providing them with a Medical Marijuana Card from the Department of Health.

Schedule your free telehealth conference today by clicking here:




70% of Americans will have a disabling shoulder complaint at least once in their lifetime. Even when we are treated, recurrence rates of shoulder conditions are 25% with 50% of us reporting chronic pain twelve months later. 

The problem is that the shoulder is a complex joint. The three bones that meet together are the upper arm bone (humerus), the shoulder blade (scapula) and the collar bone (clavicle). The end of your upper arm bone fits snugly in a socket in your shoulder blade. Several strong muscles and rotator cuff tendons keep your arm in that socket and attached to the shoulder blade to help the shoulder perform the complex, multidirectional movements that it makes.


Repetitive use of the shoulder results in one or more of these conditions: Tendon inflammation, Instability, Arthritis and a Fracture.

If you answer yes to one or more of the questions below, you can benefit from our regenerative therapies.

  • Are you experiencing a decrease in mobility and motion?

  • Does shoulder pain wake you during sleep?

  • Does the pain limit you from completing your job?

  • Have you lost strength in the arm where you are experiencing the shoulder pain?

  • Does holding the steering wheel of your car cause pain and fatigue in your shoulder

  • Does the decrease of strength and mobility in your shoulder affect your sex life?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions and are experiencing any of those issues or others that derive from shoulder restrictions, we would suggest the non-invasive, non-surgical PRP therapies to revitalize the joint. These therapies will help aid in the treatment of healing the joint by creating an inflammatory response locally which signals the immune system to send healing to the inflamed area allowing it to regenerate and heal. We then suggest IV vitamin infusion therapy to your health plan to help balance your vitamin and micronutrient levels. We also offer Neurostimulation Therapy for Chronic Pain. If you are struggling with PTSD, anxiety or one of the qualifying medical conditions in the state of PA, we can also provide medical marijuana reviews to patients this will allow them access to medical marijuana at any dispensary in PA by providing them with a Medical Marijuana Card from the Department of Health.

Schedule your free telehealth conference today by clicking here:




Knee injuries may reach as high as 2.5 million per year among teen athletes in the United States. The knee is built to support the body’s weight while walking, running and standing. It connects the two lower bones, the fibula and tibia to the thigh bone at the knee joint which is connected by a network of supporting ligaments and meniscus. Protecting the ligaments, nerves and blood vessels is the kneecap or patella which rests on a dense layer of cartilage that serves as a shock absorber. The joint is also lubricated and protected by the joint capsule and 14 tiny bursae. The knee is a well-oiled machine – if you experience regular knee pain, something is not right.


Repetitive use of the shoulder results in one or more of these conditions: Tendon inflammation, Instability, Arthritis and a Fracture.

If you answer yes to one or more of the questions below, you can benefit from our regenerative therapies.

  • Are you limping due to knee pain/discomfort

  • Do you have pain walking short or long distance?

  • Are you experiencing any swelling or stiffness of the knee area?

  • Does knee pain awaken you from sleep?

  • Do you have difficulty driving?

  • Do you experience pain while ascending or descending stairs?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions and are experiencing any of those issues or others that derive from knee restrictions, we would suggest the non-invasive, non-surgical PRP therapies to revitalize the joint. These therapies will help aid in the treatment of healing the joint by creating an inflammatory response locally which signals the immune system to send healing to the inflamed area allowing it to regenerate and heal. We then suggest IV vitamin infusion therapy to your health plan to help balance your vitamin and micronutrient levels. We also offer Neurostimulation Therapy for Chronic Pain. If you are struggling with PTSD, anxiety or one of the qualifying medical conditions in the state of PA, we can also provide medical marijuana reviews to patients this will allow them access to medical marijuana at any dispensary in PA by providing them with a Medical Marijuana Card from the Department of Health.

Schedule your free telehealth conference today by clicking here:

Why are knees so easily injured?

The knee is built to withstand quite a bit of stress, but active sports add high energy stressors on the knee that are not normal. Sprains and strains to the ligaments such as the ACL and MCL are common and may be accompanied by a pop. A meniscus tear usually occurs in a high energy event like a tackle that forces the knee to twist. A fractured patella is the most common break and can be caused by a tackle or a car accident.

Age can play a role in the gradual deterioration of our knees. It can creep up on us slowly. When you are over 50, you can tear a meniscus by turning suddenly or tripping on a curb. Poor posture, leg length discrepancy, osteoarthritis and undiagnosed pelvic tilt can also place stressors on the knees resulting in long term damage and knee pain.



HANDS & Wrists

Our hands and wrists are essential to our activities of daily living. They help us grab, squeeze, pinch, hold, push, write, and so much more. Painful arthritic conditions take its toll on all of the hand and wrist functions listed. As we age, these arthritic conditions typically worsen and require either surgery or a lifetime of pain medications that usually accompany side effects. 


Hand and finger fractures account for 30% of hand injuries per year on average costing $6,000 per injury

If you answer yes to one or more of the questions below, you can benefit from our regenerative therapies.

  • Do you have difficulty holding a pen/pencil to write for any length of time?

  • Does trying to grip a toothbrush present pain?

  • Does holding utensils while eating cause pain?

  • Is gripping and opening bottles and cans painful?

  • Does personal hygiene cause issues and pain?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions and are experiencing any of those issues or others that derive from wrist restrictions, we would suggest the non-invasive, non-surgical PRP therapies to revitalize the joint. These therapies will help aid in the treatment of healing the joint by creating an inflammatory response locally which signals the immune system to send healing to the inflamed area allowing it to regenerate and heal. We then suggest IV vitamin infusion therapy to your health plan to help balance your vitamin and micronutrient levels. We also offer Neurostimulation Therapy for Chronic Pain. If you are struggling with PTSD, anxiety or one of the qualifying medical conditions in the state of PA, we can also provide medical marijuana reviews to patients this will allow them access to medical marijuana at any dispensary in PA by providing them with a Medical Marijuana Card from the Department of Health.

Schedule your free telehealth conference today by clicking here:




With 24% of the population complaining of frequent foot pain and 15% complaining of ankle pain, there seems to be an inordinate amount  of foot and ankle pain in the US. With bone spurs, foot and ankle arthritis, sprained ankles, bursitis, flat feet, high arches, plantar fasciitis, tendinitis, tendinosis, mallet toes and more, it is easy to see why over 75-million Americans are eager to put their feet up every day.


The foot includes 26 bones, 33 joints, and over a hundred muscles, tendons and ligaments.

If you answer yes to one or more of the questions below, you can benefit from our regenerative therapies.

  • Do you have a limp when walking?

  • Trouble standing for short or long periods of time?

  • Decrease in ability to work out?

  • Does walking up and down stairs cause pain

  • Does the pain impact your job?

  • When driving and pushing the pedals, do you experience pain?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions and are experiencing any of those issues or others that derive from ankle and foot restrictions, we would suggest the non-invasive, non-surgical PRP therapies to revitalize the joint. These therapies will help aid in the treatment of healing the joint by creating an inflammatory response locally which signals the immune system to send healing to the inflamed area allowing it to regenerate and heal. We then suggest IV vitamin infusion therapy to your health plan to help balance your vitamin and micronutrient levels. We also offer Neurostimulation Therapy for Chronic Pain. If you are struggling with PTSD, anxiety or one of the qualifying medical conditions in the state of PA, we can also provide medical marijuana reviews to patients this will allow them access to medical marijuana at any dispensary in PA by providing them with a Medical Marijuana Card from the Department of Health.

Schedule your free telehealth conference today by clicking here:




The elbow joint is complex. If you are a pre-teen or a teenager who is active in sports such as football and baseball, elbow pain comes with the territory. Over 25% of pediatric injuries are elbow related, and most are related to overuse while playing sports.The two most common injuries to this joint are tennis and golfers' elbows. These injuries are represented by pain in the lateral and medial aspects. There are a number of case studies showing PRP and stem cell therapies healing injuries to this joint. 

Humans seem to enjoy pushing anatomy to its limits, which causes all kinds of injuries, aches and pains. The elbow joint system connects the upper arm (humerus) to the lower arm bones of the radius and the larger ulna. The elbow joint allows flexion-extension and pronation-supination movements through the ulno-humeral and proximal radio-ulnar joints, respectively.


Like the knee, the elbow joint is dependent on ligaments for support. The anterior joint capsule, ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) complex and the lateral collateral ligament (LCL) provide flexibility and stability to the joint.

If you answer yes to one or more of the questions below, you can benefit from our regenerative therapies.

  • Does extending your arms (elbows) to tie your shoes present pain?

  • Does lifting your arms to wash your hair cause elbow pain?

  • Does brushing your teeth or holding a fork when eating cause local elbow pain?

  • Are you limited when exercising (push-ups, lifting weights, yoga)?

  • Does your elbow hurt while driving or pushing a shopping cart?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions and are experiencing any of those issues or others that derive from elbow restrictions, we would suggest the non-invasive, non-surgical PRP therapies to revitalize the joint. These therapies will help aid in the treatment of healing the joint by creating an inflammatory response locally which signals the immune system to send healing to the inflamed area allowing it to regenerate and heal. We then suggest IV vitamin infusion therapy to your health plan to help balance your vitamin and micronutrient levels. We also offer Neurostimulation Therapy for Chronic Pain. If you are struggling with PTSD, anxiety or one of the qualifying medical conditions in the state of PA, we can also provide medical marijuana reviews to patients this will allow them access to medical marijuana at any dispensary in PA by providing them with a Medical Marijuana Card from the Department of Health.

Schedule your free telehealth conference today by clicking here:



Head & Neck

One of the most common causes of head pain are headaches. In the U.S., more than 38 million people have migraine disease with some estimates suggesting that this number may be even higher impacting as many as 50 million or more. It’s estimated that women are more likely to have migraines than men. 90% miss work or can’t function normally. Migraine is the 3rd most prevalent disabling illness and the 6th most common across the globe.

We inject the occipital nerves with PRP which creates an inflammatory response causing relief from the pain.

Neck pain has an annual prevalence rate exceeding 30% among adults in the U.S. Nearly 50% of all individuals will continue to experience some degree of chronic neck pain or frequent occurrences. It can also have causes that are not due to underlying disease. Examples include, prolonged looking up or down, sleeping in an uncomfortable position and stress. Another common cause of neck pain is whiplash where the head suddenly moves backward and forward.


There are more than 3 million cases of TMJ a year. Some estimates suggest that over 10 million in the U.S. are affected by TMJ which is more common in women. It can lead to sleep disorders and insomnia. 

If you answer yes to one or more of the questions below, you can benefit from our regenerative therapies.

  • Do you have TMJ and pain while talking or chewing?

  • Do you experience frequent migraines?

  • Do you have difficulty turning your head from side to side?

  • Does head or neck pain awaken you from sleep?

  • Do you miss work due to frequent migraines? 

  • Do you experience nausea or vertigo from your migraines?

  • Do you experience weakness or tingling in upper extremities?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions and are experiencing any of those issues or others that derive from head and neck restrictions, we would suggest the non-invasive, non-surgical PRP therapies to revitalize the joint. These therapies will help aid in the treatment of healing the joint by creating an inflammatory response locally which signals the immune system to send healing to the inflamed area allowing it to regenerate and heal. We then suggest IV vitamin infusion therapy to your health plan to help balance your vitamin and micronutrient levels. We also offer Neurostimulation Therapy for Chronic Pain. If you are struggling with PTSD, anxiety or one of the qualifying medical conditions in the state of PA, we can also provide medical marijuana reviews to patients this will allow them access to medical marijuana at any dispensary in PA by providing them with a Medical Marijuana Card from the Department of Health.

Schedule your free telehealth conference today by clicking here: